Project Concept Notes

A careful and thorough preparation is a key success factor for successful development cooperation projects. The preparation of a project concept notes includes the following steps:

  • A problem analysis. Determine the specific, development challenges to be addressed.

  • A stakeholder mapping. Identification of all actors that are concerned by or need to be involved to address the challenge your project will work on.

  • Defining objectives. What are the expected achievements of your project (outcomes), who will benefit?

  • Crafting a delivery strategy. How will the expected outcomes be achieved, which outputs and activities are needed to generate the expected outcomes?

  • What are the funding needs (tentative budget)?

  • What are the risks (analysis and proposed mitigation measures)?

  • Developing a sustainability strategy. How will the project’s benefits be maintained?

  • The project concept note is based upon a clear theory of change and a result monitoring framework. EvalCo uses the logical framework approach as a basis for results-based project management. 

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